return visitor
JoinedTopics Started by return visitor
Who owns the Society?
by return visitor ini know that the wt bible & tract society is a corporation with a board of directors, but who actually owns the corp.?
How long will you post?
by return visitor ini've just noticed that some here have been posting for years, thousands of posts, some average 2, 5, even up to 10 posts per day, every day for years.
i am relatively new to the site, just wondering, what keeps those long time posters comming back?
i can actually see in my own case a time when my interest will wane.
Help needed
by return visitor inin reading coc i learned that prior to the 1980's it was ok to speak with disassociated witnesses and that this was changed in the 1980's.
while i can find the article in the 80's that addresses the issue, i can't find anything that shows that it is a change.
can anyone direct me to something published by the organization that reflects their teaching before the change?.
How did you get out of field service?
by return visitor ini had a boat that i always wanted to name "return visits" that way whenever i was asked why i wasn't in field service on saturday i could respond, "i went out on return visits" and nobody would be the wiser.
just wondering, did anyone else come up with a good way to dodge that question?.
by return visitor inwhen firmly entrenched in the borg i complained to my wife that friendships in the "truth" didn't seem as real as i noticed worldly people had.
for instance, the worldly person i worked with was constantly doing things with friends, whether it was going to ball games or helping a friend put on a new roof.
in our circle of friends we could never count on help, our friends were too busy trying to earn a living and doing the borgs bidding.
Isaiah 11:6-9
by return visitor inhave you noticed that the wts in their publications literally interpret this schripture, isaiah 11:6-9 .
6 and the wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well-fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them.
7 and the cow and the bear themselves will feed; together their young ones will lie down.
Hurts so good?
by return visitor ini know many have been hurt by association with the wts, but i was just wondering, are there any truths that you accually can take away from your association with it.
for instance, before becoming a jw i would recite the lord's prayer, and had never read in matt.
that is was not to be recited, but that it was mearly there as an example of how to pray.
Old Watchtower Quotes?
by return visitor ini've noticed that their are many old watchtower and awake (golden age) quotes posted in these forums.
is there a place i can go online to view old mags.